Tuesday, March 3, 2015

School Census - Interesting Demographics

A statistical overview of Huron High School's student body as of November 10, 2014, reveals some interesting ratios. Total enrollment for these purposes was listed at 1501, although in reality it is probably somewhat higher.

Of 387 ninth graders, 221 were boys and 166 were girls. This lopsided breakdown held for every ethnic or racial demographic group except Asians. Among those labeled as 'white' or 'Caucasian' there were 103 boys and 56 girls.

By contrast, of 344 tenth graders, the gender ratio skewed in the opposite direction: there were 155 boys and 189 girls. There were more girls than boys in the following categories: Caucasian, African-American, Asian, and Multi-Ethnic. Among tenth graders, there were slightly more boys than girls among the 'American Indian or Alaskan' and the Latino/Hispanic, Arab-American, and 'other' categories. There were no data points among sophomores in the 'Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander' and 'unclassified' categories.

Among eleventh and twelfth graders, there were no significant asymmetries in the numbers. The total student count included 745 males and 756 females.

The statistical quirkiness seems to be found primarily among the freshmen.